Comments made by those who have taken the course
“Thank you for sharing so much knowledge, I am pleasantly impressed with the pathophysiological depth being addressed.”
“I took an ozone therapy course in the USA and although many topics are covered, not to the depth established here.”
“A special thanks and sincere congratulations for the contents, as they are both of the highest quality and a pleasant understanding.”
“Excellent course”.
“I really don’t think anyone who has invested in acquiring knowledge is going to be disappointed because they are many of high level and slow digestion”.
“The truth pleasantly impressed from this course.”
- Strengthen the online training of professionals in ozone therapy with a view to supporting the work of confronting COVID-19.
- Report the results of the application of the Ozone Saline Solution (O 3 SS) in hospitalized patients with COVID-19
- Promote good clinical practice and the proper medical use of ozone.
The course has been designed taking into account the “Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy”, ISCO3, 3rd ed., 2020 (
Course aimed at
Physicians, dentists, veterinarians and other health professionals with experience and knowledge in ozone therapy. The Ozonized Saline Solution (O3SS), like any other route of application of ozone therapy, is a medical act and must be carried out under the direct responsibility and supervision of an expert doctor in ozone therapy.
Course Contents
Presentation 1. Ozone as a disinfectant, efficacy and toxicity risks. Gregorio Martínez. 00:37:28
Presentation 2. COVID-19 pathophysiology. Esteban González 00:31:03
Presentation 3. Experiences and results of the application of Ozonized Saline Solution (O3SS) in hospitalized patients with COVID-19. Adriana Schwartz. 01:51:28
Presentation 4. Bases and mechanisms of action of Ozonized Saline Solution (O3SS). Adriana Schwartz. 1:02:44
Presentation 5. Mechanisms of ozone in COVID-19. Gregorio Martínez. 01:17:26
Presentation 6. Basis of the application routes of the Ozone Saline Solution (O3SS). Gregorio Martínez. 01:19:06
Please take into account: Dr. Schwartz’s presentations has English audio. The other professors presentations have Spanish audio with English subtitles. All power points presentations are in English.
Organizational criteria of the online course
Course registration at any time. Immediate access to the course, without a time limit, after having made the purchase. Once the key is obtained, which is exclusive to each student and cannot be shared with third parties , the student will have exclusive access to all the course content at any time and on any device with internet access .
Methodological suggestion to study
View the course contents in the same order as listed from 1 to 6 (see Course Contents), in order to get more out of the course. It is not advisable to skip the recommended order.
Methodological points to consider
The student will be able to see the recordings as many times as he wishes. The student acquires the obligation not to download or copy them to third parties. The organization will not send documentation to the students of any of the contents of the course nor does it promise to send them in the future. The organization does not undertake to respond in writing to written questions asked by students.